
1956 Hungarian Revolution Commemoration

I have been shamefully ignorant toward my home country's matters lately, and in turn several truly interesting events eluded my attention.
Just a few days ago (Oct 23) we (the world even, I would dare to say) celebrated/commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of our insurrection against the Soviet occuppation. However, while all the notables of Europe and beyond were visiting/voicing their solidarity with the Hungarian nation, a distinguished portion of the latter decided to go a bit more active, and, fuelled by a certain, perceived historic duty to "accomplish the revolution of '56" or something no less fuzzy, commenced a tenacious protest in Budapest in order to induce our prime minister to renounce his office. He did not, but, considering the unlawful and generally stupid, racist, idiotic and slightly neo-nazi nature of the above-mentioned crowd, sent in the riot-police instead.
Here is some footage of the event:
This is quite cool, depicting the last fight around 1-2 am:
The hooligans even managed to hijack a Soviet-type tank from a nearby exhibition; they commandeered it for a brief period, in which they apparently drove it against the police cordon (I didn't find videos on that, though):
If you got interested, here is a longer video with a really cool cuti-style guy as an ideological guide to the "new revolution" (unfortunately in Hungarian)


Things that bother me:

(1) That all the people around me are so "proper". Conformists. One can trace their parents' (teachers, media, hypocritic politicians/bigot priests, you name it) teachings, "values" (hahaha, values!; like "valuing freedom of the individual", right, Mr institutionalizedly ignorant?) directly in all their actions; as their thoughts sheepishly follow the politically correct, sterile, estranged frame of mind of their predecessors. One of the foremost aims in life, or at least in education, of practically all my friends so far has been "not to live like my parents". To change things. Because we believe that things might turn out better if changed. Or at least it is worth trying. Such thoughts, that there might be other bases of establishing, of organising one's and his environment's existence than those on which his upbringing had been rooted do not even occur to Uchicago students. They don't want to live differently than their parents did; they just want to make more money.
Thus they blushingly giggle at my elaborating how great taking a leak into the fjord from the e-systems dock or smokers' corner used to be; not to mention something like our naked trip around campus with Doofus and Simon; they look at me as a weirdo when I attempt to introduce them to snus. And I once thought that people in their adolescence bear a natural, unconstrainable inclination toward the avant-garde, the rebellious, the free. Silly, silly me.
Hence the realm of their conversations hover around tv-shows, movies, series, bits of academics, music bands, food (they can go into fights almost over which place serves the best fast food; I mean, get a fucking life!), and small, ordinary stories which are considered entertaining (the fact which they each time feel compelled to assert explicitly by saying, "That's funny"; the kindergarden is baaack; fukuf!).

Btw,the few "non-conformist hipsters and alternatives" tend to be just full of shit concealed in large glasses and 70's clothes.

(2)That calculus is boring on lower levels, and interesting but assraping on higher ones. I think I will stick with opting for the assraping, which, by definition is about to take me from behind throughout the year, GPA included. But it's FINEEE!

(3) That all shops are owned by the university around and consequently you can't get a pound of bananas under $.9.

(4) Dry dick.

(5) That it's 3:38 am and I am incapable of falling asleep.

Seselj II

Here he is again. As far as I know, the slogan on the poster goes "wisdom, courage, trust". Distinguished WSS, I once again am compelled to bend my knees before the impregnable, radiant, in fact barely short of divine, relationship bonding your nation and sagacity together.


Seselj fuck around

Hahaha just found this on the net. Listen to this idiot and you can maybe begin to grasp what kind of people ruled my country in the 90's. Sad, ain't it?


robot sex

quite bizarre isn´t it!!
i really cannot picture that. just imagine what the outcome of having intercourse with a machine would be like. sick. i guess the fluids won´t do the robot very good unless it is a horny radiator!

well, why am i writing this? i just pictured that my sunday night couldn´t end with that in my mind and i am, by this means, implementig some sort of cosolation(don´t get me wrong here), catharsis, or whtever it is that i am doing. i was just zapping as i ussually do before going to bed when this random t.v show appeared; sex.-odissey 3001. they discuss of how sex will be in the future.quite a disturbing program! anyhow, as i started almost at the end of my day, i´ll give you a picture of how my sunday has developed to this conclussion.

i awoked quite hangover at eleven in the morning aching for a shower and gallons of water. as i was clean, fresh, and slightly drunk i started making a fire on my barbacue so to make an awesome asado!! while the logs were burning i poured my self a glas of "grapamiel", a kind of licquor prepared with honey and grapa( strong alcohol). i was relaxed after finishing the drink, and nikola´s face came into picture. hahahaha!!! liverpool was loosing to manchester ud, quite funny!!! by the time the match ended, my frien "vela" came to my place. i had invited him to eat with me an my family. he is quite a character! he is the one in his underwear in the picture, the other one is zeba(but his story will be told in an other ocassion).

we sat down to drink mate (btw, edu, you can get yerba in new jersey.plenty of uruguayans there!)by the barbacue(grill) while the asado was being made. we talked about the past night we spent by the coast line of montevideo(or "rambla" as we call it). we went ther at around eleven in the night and came back at around five in themorning, i think !? Cerveza and a lot of vino we drunk! the main reason i was still tipsy(not gipsy) !!!

the asado was ready to eat, so the following 30 to 50 minutes are worthless to describe!!! u know me.

we were aching in the stomach rather than content, though, not surprisingly, smiling ;)!! as heavy as fat cow, i crawled to the sofa in the living room. i wasup to watch the fomula 1 final. Vela left to work (on a sunday, that´s cruel!!!). the first thre laps were interesting but then i realised that there were 68 left. tooooo booooring!!!!! i fell asleep.

waking up four hours later was a great help for my hangover!

31 degrees outside + beautifull weather+ me with a fu!!"ª%ing sprained ancle = SHIT

i couldn´t do but jump on one leg or try to walk a couple of meters in an exasperating and ridiculosly long period of time, so i tooka chair out to my front yard, taking a fair ammount of time to have the task performed, and sat to read the newspaper. not that interesting ah? after an hour or so i got bored so i started quarreling with my parents, always more entertainig than the shit told in the newspaper!!!!

the time arrived to succumb to TV once again! i watched "BATMAN BEGGINS" by the third time. i hoped to find something new, like errors or smthg, but i failed! it was the same interesting content-free movie i had watched two previous times. how awckward?

ohhhh, after that, i watched another movie!!! starring... THE ROCK!!! :(


then i went to bed and kept on changing the channels. from football matches i had watched early on in the day, to another stupid movie, to the national channels, to... boring boring ... untill i encountered myself watching a bizarre and perturbing image: ROBOT SEX!!!HAHAAHA definetely, the peak of my day. that´s sad!!!! so i decided that my day couldn´t end like that. cigarrette in hand and on to accomplish smthg; A NEW POST!!!!!


a day distanced in time, i leave you with my REFLECTION of the weekend:

"how such a cool SATURDAY night could develop to a day that became more and more boring by every second past in time"
NOTE: i would describe my saturday night in the "rambla" but i don´t remember. blame CERVEZA not me

besos en el culo



PS: VIVA DA CAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



A reply to Mary

Mary,Bazmeg,Eduuuu and others I must say that approach my-skirt is short and look-at-my-breasts is not only part of the Balkan music scene. It is rather international :)

P.S Ramon, would you try your dancing skills that I displayed earlier with these girs??? hahhaha



Greetings from London once more from the sagacious one. There is nothing extraordinary happening here so I I'll just update you with a few things.My space button is slowly dying away so if you are near a church light a candle for it hahahah, no offense meant to anybody. Anyhow they say old habits die hard and I guess it is rather trjueee, as after discovering that I have some problem with the specific uni course site and access to it I approached my IR teacher with "Felix man you made a mistake", no sir, sorry,excuse me, or whatsoever. And I got really annoyed with a Annete-type of woman working at the department desk so I was raising my voice and showing clearly how pissed I was. Maybe I am a bit disrespectful towards people of authority, but I guess it is a mentality problem. So I promised I'll show some other friends of mine from here and today I present Jess, who is (Ramon I hope you won't detonate me after this) Jewish by origin. As you can see we have some interets in common, and similarities are what get people together, right cave - members,smokers and EE people?On another note, it is Friday night and I need to plan what to do tonight. I got pretty fucked yesterday, figured out that drinking vodka from a cup and extinguishing it with wine from a glass is not that good of idea. Still need to launch the whiskey-joghurt combination though! Trk, I am enjoying my time in Trkish society,playing tavla (backgammon) and listening to Trkish turbo-folk. They are still amazed that I am there and not Turkish and that I behave like one, well Balkan mentality is a special thing, won't you all agree? Then again on the left-hand side there is something designed to make Eduuuuuuuuu happy. Remember the good old cave times?? Otherwise I met the most random person on planet Earth. If you recall one of my friends is our second year from Atlantic college.A friend of her came to visit and believe it or not it was Nat's sister(the small hongkong guy that lived with Bakerrud). World seems small at times. To round up this small post, may I say happy Eid ul-Futr to Ramon.


One month of our blog!!!

It is exactly one month since we start blogging!


Laszlo just found this - and it is AWESOME!!!

A small update from London

Greetings to thee, my fellow bloggers,mazzafakaz, cave members etc.

As it is 4 am here in my room, and I need to do a lot of shit tommorow, to carry out a PESCO analysis, do math homework and other uninteresting crap that you all do at your unis.
Anyhow, some introduction to certain aspects of social life here
This guy is one of my best friends from the uni, a native tribesmen( Brit from London) and my very own personal GM! To cut the long story short, on Friday we went to this fancy place called Cafe di Pari or something like that, and he pulled of the story that his dad owns nightclubs and some other crap so we got a fucking table (usually 700 pounds!!) for free. As for me I took the usual Russian role when people got annoying near our table hahaha
These are some of the people that went with us. Note the girl in the middle, she is a Greek orthodox and she heavily criticised me from not going to church and not doing the Orthodox things as I should. ahahha, I think I ain't the right person to be told that anyways.
This mazzafaka is the guy called Crazy I mentioned before. Anyone wanna try yoyo-ing around this guy??

On Saturday, that was yesterday we had our very first and unique G corridor party! I don't think I ever mentioned, but I live at Ifor Evans Site in Camden Town, Max (P)Rayne house,corridor G. Since the halls are rather big we got quite a few suprises for our party.
a) I never saw our kitchen so crowded, people were literaly lining up to enter it
b) People brought alcohol with them, not to mention there were no clashes whatsoever
c) We actually got to know each other better(the organisers, corridor G)
Here are some interesting people from around our halls that I met
Bazmeg pay close attention now! The huy in the middle is a Hungarian guy from Slovakia named Lajos. He knew all the turbo folk crap, is quite intellectual and to make it even better he said to me, quoting "Serbia to Tokyo!!!!"
This English motherfucker can speak almost fluent Serbian! He spent a year in Zagreb and he spoke to me in my own language - first person that did so since I came! Eduuuuuu, you definitely got a challenger for the Master of the Languages title!This is a British girl, originally from Goa - if you don't know where Goa is then it's just said . Anyhow, she's the newest faithful follower of the idea that Serbia is from Tokyo to Milwaukee (as I always say to people when they say that they don't know where Serbia is).
These are girls from my corridor, well some of them as there is 4 more.The one on the left is Lauren, who your very own WSS is teaching some things about cooking and the one on the right is Holly - the brilliant geography student I mentioned to Eduuuu (I just love her and her opinions - Edu knows why!!).
Ok, that's it for now, next time I'll put up a few pics of Camden and a few pics of other people I am in touch with here; hopefully I can catch Alex who looks like one popular character from Only fools and horses if you watched that show.
Au revoir,

P.S I will try to upload a few movies from old times next week - notice will be given


Never try this at home

Hi everyone!

I'm currently in the middle of my midterms exams, in virtue of which I cannot possibly write a major update, one which I duly owe to you all. You see, I can hardly find any time in between periods of sleeping, not-studying, and smoking. Ah, hell! I bullshitted my way through IB and I'm bullshitting my way through Introductory Chem (the exam I'm having in 30 minutes approx.).

Ahyhow...last night I was browsing through our beloved and endearing blog when I came upon the legendary MF videos. On the spot I decided I would preach the myth of MF to all the masses on this side of the Atlantic. My roommate would be the first victim.

Here is his reaction:

- A football player, Eric Pender is not someone you want to freak out at 3:00 in the morning (except maybe in the rare event that you are Laszlo Jakab). Despite his generally open-minded attitude and disposition, my roommate was not amused by the MF videos, much less by a loud "Get Your Ass Up" sung along to Europe's "Final Countdown" at full volume.

For now, that would be all. I have to run to the science building, since I don't even know yet what the exact location of the exam is. Oh well, as someone I knew back in Banana Republic used to say, "asking your way will get you to Rome." Right Ramyyyyyyy??



This is completely random.

Did I ever tell you about how much Americans eat at night and what they eat?? These pcitures were taken at 3:00 in the morning.

Gentlemen, I present you wings, the most disgusting, sloppy, inefficient, uncivilized way ever conceived of eating chicken. Order 60 wings, get the sauce all over your fingers, hand and face like a chunky son of a bitch, and gorge yourself! This is by far the most popular thing to eat at 3:00 in the morning when you're high, currently prefered over Domino's Pizza (bravo but no banana I say to them).


Understanding the meaning of life

Ever closer, thanks to the one and only.


"do you know who is GM?" - "General Motors??" - "No! It is Great Maharajah"

"yo, wadup bitches??"
Come on! You know i will never make such a beginning to my posts... As you can understand from the title, i am having a great time with the greatest of all! I had a private conversation with the almighty maharajah yesterday night;
"How is it going Abinash? I heard you are having a couple of girls in your bed nowadays!"
"No, man! I don't have time for girls!!!"
"Why not?"

and we talked a bit about going to Chicago. Laszlo, get ready for it! I might drag him with me to Chicago.. The only condition he offered me is to find a ticket from Kansas City to Chicago that costs about $1.. So, nevermind about getting ready. My dear Abinash still thinks he is in India where you can buy a plane ticket for 50 cents. But i will be there over thanksgiving. Actually, there will hopefully be a re-union in Chicago. But nothing will beat the cave spirit!!

I tried to have an "intellectual" conversation with one of the Americans the other day. We were talking about French Revolution and i told her a bit about it. She said "Where are you from?" and i replied "Turkey", "Oh, so is Turkey a province of France or what?", "...... you f**king ignorant!! It is a village in Hong Kong!" Hope she did not believe that, because she told me i did not look Chinese...

I will soon write more about what is going on here. I just want to go to bed right now. BTW, congratulations to North Korea for detonating a nuclear weapon and congratulations to a very rightist Danish political party for arranging an "insulting Mohammed" competition.

Finally, to make you guys happy, i am posting a beautiful picture...

peace out


Understanding the meaning of life

I think we are edging closer to it... hahah


For The Wise Serbian Sage

Major update coming soon.

In the meantime, Nikola, this one is repayment for all the Beavis and Butthead episodes, not to mention the MF and cave videos.


Sprite is our friend

Dear cave residents and mazzafakaz of the world,
your good old Serbian is recuperating from the trials of London life. It is needless to say, but the student life here is very good. Yesterday I went to visit my friend Kunal who lives in different halls then mine to smoke nargila and chill as we didn’t have a plan of what really to do. We started off smoking and drinking some vodka to get in the mood. But since he is a native tribesman (London Brit) and it is a city, we decided that we should go somewhere and we ended up in this nice club somewhere around Soho. I really need to start being a Japanese tourist as we went there in a rickshaw, this funny little contraption where there is a guy driving you by pedaling! We met there with his friend known by the name Crazy (no clue about real name he introduced himself as Crazy). The funny thing is that we told the organizers that we are some important people, he convinced them his father owns night clubs and I was doing the Russian ganksta role – hahaha they believed it so we got a table for free! Some stupid guy asked me if he can live empty glass on the table and asked me if I was VIP, but I just answered him I am a Russian hahahha – he just slowly backed away with best wishes for the night on all fields. Human nature is a beautiful and funny thing won’t you agree?
Amongst other things I forgot to mention that his corridor mate went with us, and unbelievably it turns out that she is my second year from Atlantic college (bear in mind first UWC person I met here!) and from Liverpool and a huge Liverpool fan. I just found somebody hardcore enough to watch those stupid games with me, damn I am happy. Oh, and since I joined the Turkish society we had a first meeting, and guess what – I was the only one non-Turkish there. But nevertheless one of the guys is going to get me proper coffee as I am running out and he will teach me Turkish as much as he can so I am really happy with it – go Trks!

P.S Sprite is so fucking good when you are hangover – it’s amazing!
P.P.S Enjoy the video


a short post

Before I disappear in the night...

A nice lullaby

Dear everybody,
as I am preparing to go to lecture on my uni today I thought it might not be bad to post this amazing video I found on my laptop. It's a nice lullaby when you are having problems to sleep...

Au revoir!
Never forsake e-systems!

As you all have been informed, I, in the manner and spirit true to the Great Vulture, could two weeks ago not help but succomb to the lure of registering for an e-systems course. However, dark forces soon began their devious games with my pure scavenger's soul. They came clad in the respectable dress of charming math professors; their sweet, beckoning voices told tales of a world where all children of the earth elatedly pursued the wonderful art of mathematics with shiny, enthusiastic eyes...
Never believe math teachers! They are but agents of the devil. I changed to this theoretical math course, where we should (if only we could) be proving masses of obscure and less obscure theories on our own and simultaneously dropped e-systems! Life has been treating me hard ever since... I can drop back to my original calculus course. But I cannot redeem my e-systems course. It is too popular!! (Well, no wonder...) Life sucks.

Other than this, circumstances seem to have conspired against me lately. The amount of meaningful social interaction/conversation I have had occasion for recently is practically negligible. Managing a worthwile conversation appears to be a formidable task around here in case you have not seen most of the past several decades' produce of the American "movie"-making industry, or tv-shows, etc crap. And if you are not interested in stupid chit-chat (once again with constant references to some bullshit movie, etc) it is fairly hard to find company. They just do not seem to be able to interact without the help of a third-party mediator between them, be it a movie, a show, in better cases a book. And I am including upperclassmen too. Don't they have a life to talk about? Or common experiences to share/reminisce of? That is quite sad. They barely even talk about politics; if they did I could at least be a David Linden. But no! Anyway.

But it's FINE!


P.S. Eddie, at least our parties are remarkably better than yours. And there usually is a bunch of cool Poles around the hotspots of debaouchery with whom you can drink/smoke your brains off in relative style, only you need to look hard to find them.

Thursday night update

The (Banana=free cocktail) party

The Wise Serbian Sage gets his bananas ready

And he wins free drinks for it - go England,ehm.. Banana Lords!!!
And the compulsory tall building picture, that he didn't crash in on the way back!

Anyhow, on other fronts I went to the first SSEES football team training session. In case you didn't know, you are obliged to wear shinpads here to, believe it or not, protect your shins. I think I passed the first trial since I got invited to next training on Saturday, so I might soon play for the team! But bloody hell, there is quite a few ex-academy players, from lower division clubs and they kick ass.
Secondly, I need to put up a few pics of Camden and my new friends, so that you something interesting to see. Btw, I don't have a clue how is in US, but here, when you go to proper club, there is a guy in the bathroom that gives you soap, cleaning towels and free spray of perfume of your chosing (proper fancy perfumes lined next to the taps!). Still, there is much to see and enjoy, I wanna go to some good rave and tell you experiences from there. Sad to anounce that I will likely take Russian next year, since it clashes with one of my compulsory course units, so I will try a Guni-Cuni course in the form of Introduction to International Relations. Maybe I'll even grow a beard and paint it white, for Ramon.
On another note I realised that most Brits start uni at the age of 18, some even 17! Something is different I guess with the A level systems than other things I know. US perspective anyone?
Oh and I am extremely pleased to provide Mathias with some help. Since he wants to discuss this burning issues of understanding and blah,blah,blah bullshit - I found a blog for him to go to and give it a shot! So Mathias, follow the link:

Switch it in English for I bet you can't get a shit in Farsi , but yes it is the man and he has his own blog!!!


P.S Sorry Laszlo this time no Beavis and Butthead, but it will be there next time!


Movie making

Dear all, in the light of our Guru sharing some videos of our second years I feel obliged to follow him in that spiritual trance


P.S Full update coming on friday


Forgot about this

For my friend Laszlo Jakab,
carefully selected and skillfuly blended episode of Beavis and Butthead, teaching us all about manners (that's how we should ended up discussion!)

London update

Yo yo mazzafakaz and members of da cave,

I agree with Mathias. Chanelled through eternal wisdom of the Guru and my sagacious gifts I concluded that we should settle it by having vodka shot contest next time we meet, and after 10 shots we can play "Move bitch" song and then go out kluing.

Bazmeg don't worry I ain't becoming MF, though I am eating bananas. As a matter of fact I spoke recently with the one and only and they are annoying him in the US. Maybe we should send them a collective MFDPST protest letter? He is apparently going to be in London in January and I guess that will be a lot of fun,taking that he is still the one and only.

Otherwise I am going tonight to a vodka night with the natives, actually I really like the natives here, friendly and interesting personas. Speaking about that I had my first day of classes, I had my first Russian leson where I realised it won't be that hard to do Russian and plus I met this interesting British girl where we concluded that Friday after Russian demands some drinks in a pub. I know I haven't posted any proper pics yet, but I won't do this stupid turist going around London, well maybe if somebody comes to visit me I'll do that :)

Conclusively it's nice to hear that Rami is still a pussy lover, he should try listening to the song by DJ Baloon "Pussylovers" and get some encouragement. The Guru is promising still story about some shit-making he did with wine bottle in US, Eduuuuu ?

May the banana force be with you

ohhh, i forgot!

how can we do to know how many people visit our blog?

me again
isn´t it time to post something funny???? do it (i am too lazy tonight)

interesting post ramy, thanks for the Arabic!!!! quite long though. imagine, i had to light a cig to finish it!!hahah

good luck to all, and let´s get into some interesting debate!! not a pseudo-academic one but a cool one!!
like, hasn´t edu been lying to us when he showed(posted) those "bannanas"? they looked more like green worms or smthg.

oki, too sleepy



You know what guys??

The direction this blog has taken is boring me to tears.

You know what though?

(As MF would say)
But it's fine!!!!!