A small update from London
Greetings to thee, my fellow bloggers,mazzafakaz, cave members etc.
As it is 4 am here in my room, and I need to do a lot of shit tommorow, to carry out a PESCO analysis, do math homework and other uninteresting crap that you all do at your unis.
Anyhow, some introduction to certain aspects of social life here
This guy is one of my best friends from the uni, a native tribesmen( Brit from London) and my very own personal GM! To cut the long story short, on Friday we went to this fancy place called Cafe di Pari or something like that, and he pulled of the story that his dad owns nightclubs and some other crap so we got a fucking table (usually 700 pounds!!) for free. As for me I took the usual Russian role when people got annoying near our table hahaha
These are some of the people that went with us. Note the girl in the middle, she is a Greek orthodox and she heavily criticised me from not going to church and not doing the Orthodox things as I should. ahahha, I think I ain't the right person to be told that anyways.
This mazzafaka is the guy called Crazy I mentioned before. Anyone wanna try yoyo-ing around this guy??
On Saturday, that was yesterday we had our very first and unique G corridor party! I don't think I ever mentioned, but I live at Ifor Evans Site in Camden Town, Max (P)Rayne house,corridor G. Since the halls are rather big we got quite a few suprises for our party.
a) I never saw our kitchen so crowded, people were literaly lining up to enter it
b) People brought alcohol with them, not to mention there were no clashes whatsoever
c) We actually got to know each other better(the organisers, corridor G)
Here are some interesting people from around our halls that I met
Bazmeg pay close attention now! The huy in the middle is a Hungarian guy from Slovakia named Lajos. He knew all the turbo folk crap, is quite intellectual and to make it even better he said to me, quoting "Serbia to Tokyo!!!!"
This English motherfucker can speak almost fluent Serbian! He spent a year in Zagreb and he spoke to me in my own language - first person that did so since I came! Eduuuuuu, you definitely got a challenger for the Master of the Languages title!
This is a British girl, originally from Goa - if you don't know where Goa is then it's just said . Anyhow, she's the newest faithful follower of the idea that Serbia is from Tokyo to Milwaukee (as I always say to people when they say that they don't know where Serbia is).
These are girls from my corridor, well some of them as there is 4 more.The one on the left is Lauren, who your very own WSS is teaching some things about cooking and the one on the right is Holly - the brilliant geography student I mentioned to Eduuuu (I just love her and her opinions - Edu knows why!!).
Ok, that's it for now, next time I'll put up a few pics of Camden and a few pics of other people I am in touch with here; hopefully I can catch Alex who looks like one popular character from Only fools and horses if you watched that show.
Au revoir,
P.S I will try to upload a few movies from old times next week - notice will be given
As it is 4 am here in my room, and I need to do a lot of shit tommorow, to carry out a PESCO analysis, do math homework and other uninteresting crap that you all do at your unis.
Anyhow, some introduction to certain aspects of social life here

On Saturday, that was yesterday we had our very first and unique G corridor party! I don't think I ever mentioned, but I live at Ifor Evans Site in Camden Town, Max (P)Rayne house,corridor G. Since the halls are rather big we got quite a few suprises for our party.
a) I never saw our kitchen so crowded, people were literaly lining up to enter it
b) People brought alcohol with them, not to mention there were no clashes whatsoever
c) We actually got to know each other better(the organisers, corridor G)
Here are some interesting people from around our halls that I met

Ok, that's it for now, next time I'll put up a few pics of Camden and a few pics of other people I am in touch with here; hopefully I can catch Alex who looks like one popular character from Only fools and horses if you watched that show.
Au revoir,
P.S I will try to upload a few movies from old times next week - notice will be given
Edu, you are maybe coughing blod and crap but you know what? It's fine!
Suprises coming along soon..
well guru, in my school we are 5% internationals i think...
Nikola, i think the girl next to the greek on is pretty godo looking, or maybe just the photo of her..:)
haha that girl next to the greek one is Kunal's girlfriend (my friend on the first pic). I told him the same, good work :)
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