quite bizarre isn´t it!! i really cannot picture that. just imagine what the outcome of having intercourse with a machine would be like. sick. i guess the fluids won´t do the robot very good unless it is a horny radiator!
well, why am i writing this? i just pictured that my sunday night couldn´t end with that in my mind and i am, by this means, implementig some sort of cosolation(don´t get me wrong here), catharsis, or whtever it is that i am doing. i was just zapping as i ussually do before going to bed when this random t.v show appeared; sex.-odissey 3001. they discuss of how sex will be in the future.quite a disturbing program! anyhow, as i started almost at the end of my day, i´ll give you a picture of how my sunday has developed to this conclussion.
i awoked quite hangover at eleven in the morning aching for a shower and gallons of water. as i was clean, fresh, and slightly drunk i started making a fire on my barbacue so to make an awesome asado!! while the logs were burning i poured my self a glas of "grapamiel", a kind of licquor prepared with honey and grapa( strong alcohol). i was relaxed after finishing the drink, and nikola´s face came into picture. hahahaha!!! liverpool was loosing to manchester ud, quite funny!!! by the time the match ended, my frien "vela" came to my place. i had invited him to eat with me an my family. he is quite a character! he is the one in his underwear in the picture, the other one is zeba(but his story will be told in an other ocassion).  we sat down to drink mate (btw, edu, you can get yerba in new jersey.plenty of uruguayans there!)by the barbacue(grill) while the asado was being made. we talked about the past night we spent by the coast line of montevideo(or "rambla" as we call it). we went ther at around eleven in the night and came back at around five in themorning, i think !? Cerveza and a lot of vino we drunk! the main reason i was still tipsy(not gipsy) !!! the asado was ready to eat, so the following 30 to 50 minutes are worthless to describe!!! u know me. we were aching in the stomach rather than content, though, not surprisingly, smiling ;)!! as heavy as fat cow, i crawled to the sofa in the living room. i wasup to watch the fomula 1 final. Vela left to work (on a sunday, that´s cruel!!!). the first thre laps were interesting but then i realised that there were 68 left. tooooo booooring!!!!! i fell asleep. waking up four hours later was a great help for my hangover! 31 degrees outside + beautifull weather+ me with a fu!!"ª%ing sprained ancle = SHIT i couldn´t do but jump on one leg or try to walk a couple of meters in an exasperating and ridiculosly long period of time, so i tooka chair out to my front yard, taking a fair ammount of time to have the task performed, and sat to read the newspaper. not that interesting ah? after an hour or so i got bored so i started quarreling with my parents, always more entertainig than the shit told in the newspaper!!!! the time arrived to succumb to TV once again! i watched "BATMAN BEGGINS" by the third time. i hoped to find something new, like errors or smthg, but i failed! it was the same interesting content-free movie i had watched two previous times. how awckward? ohhhh, after that, i watched another movie!!! starring... THE ROCK!!! :( sick then i went to bed and kept on changing the channels. from football matches i had watched early on in the day, to another stupid movie, to the national channels, to... boring boring ... untill i encountered myself watching a bizarre and perturbing image: ROBOT SEX!!!HAHAAHA definetely, the peak of my day. that´s sad!!!! so i decided that my day couldn´t end like that. cigarrette in hand and on to accomplish smthg; A NEW POST!!!!! TA DAAAAAAAA!!!!! THANKS TO THE BLOG MY SUNDAY WAS NOT DEPRESSING, JUST SAD!!! HAHAA a day distanced in time, i leave you with my REFLECTION of the weekend: "how such a cool SATURDAY night could develop to a day that became more and more boring by every second past in time" NOTE: i would describe my saturday night in the "rambla" but i don´t remember. blame CERVEZA not me besos en el culo ale |
Damn man I was so dejected after that loss :)
Anyhow Ale that sounds great, fuck I wish it was those temperatures here now! It's great to hear you are alive and being a proper Bandido as always!
hahaha :) well, i think we ll all see how sex with robots will be once it happens ;) if you experience before, do not forgte to enlighten us :P
Terrific pictures! And the hot latinos is not the only reason why I say this;) A good camera, I suppose...
Anyhow, happy to hear that you're alive! Loooking forward for more news from America Latina.
Terrific pictures! And the hot latinos is not the only reason why I say this;) A good camera, I suppose...
Anyhow, happy to hear that you're alive! Loooking forward for more news from America Latina.
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