Greetings from London once more from the sagacious one. There is nothing extraordinary happening here so I I'll just update you with a few things.My space button is slowly dying away so if you are near a church light a candle for it hahahah, no offense meant to anybody. Anyhow they say old habits die hard and I guess it is rather trjueee, as after discovering that I have some problem with the specific uni course site and access to it I approached my IR teacher with "Felix man you made a mistake", no sir, sorry,excuse me, or whatsoever. And I got really annoyed with a Annete-type of woman working at the department desk so I was raising my voice and showing clearly how pissed I was. Maybe I am a bit disrespectful towards people of authority, but I guess it is a mentality problem. So I promised I'll show some other friends of mine from here and today I present Jess, who is (Ramon I hope you won't detonate me after this) Jewish by origin. As you can see we have some interets in common, and similarities are what get people together, right cave - members,smokers and EE people?
On another note, it is Friday night and I need to plan what to do tonight. I got pretty fucked yesterday, figured out that drinking vodka from a cup and extinguishing it with wine from a glass is not that good of idea. Still need to launch the whiskey-joghurt combination though! Trk, I am enjoying my time in Trkish society,playing tavla (backgammon) and listening to Trkish turbo-folk
. They are still amazed that I am there and not Turkish and that I behave like one, well Balkan mentality is a special thing, won't you all agree? Then again on the left-hand side there is something designed to make Eduuuuuuuuu happy. Remember the good old cave times?? Otherwise I met the most random person on planet Earth. If you recall one of my friends is our second year from Atlantic college.A friend of her came to visit and believe it or not it was Nat's sister(the small hongkong guy that lived with Bakerrud). World seems small at times. To round up this small post, may I say happy Eid ul-Futr to Ramon.

hahaha, make him come after Liverpool-Manchester as I really wanna see that game. Btw, this guy has just Jewish origin his girlfriend is Saudi after all, says something?
It is good that you lasted the Ramadan ,I am proud of you and enjoy the celebrations!
Then again Ramon I need your protection as before - remember how scared of Mame I was? Well I got even more scared, dirty outdanced and a target for horny 23 year old Chinese girl!!!!!!!! Ramon, I need you mjeen come hereeeeeeeeeeeeee......hahaha
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