
So, I found this on the door of a toilet in the US... I was exploring the place where i am going to be a resident advisor next year, and guess what?! I see this as i undo my pants and turn around to pea!! After a moment of awkward silence, i burst out a laughter which, i guess, scared the hell out of everyone who was shitting or peaing or masturbating in the shower. Anyway...
I am back in Turkey now. Nothing much is going on. Hope everyone is doing well, but that does not mean i care about you all! haha.. just joking
how stupid!
muuuuuuuuaaa(that´s a huge "hello" kiss)
so, hello!
in uruguay we ussually say hy by kissing each other on the cheek. that´s nice, yeah... but imagine two people meeting randomly, and each of them walks towards the other one to say hy. a guy and a girl, for instance.
guy´s mind: so, is she gonna kiss me on the cheek? or... should i kiss her cheek?___this dilema continues untill the very instant in where they actuallyget to greet(?) each other.
girl´s mind:ok, in order to avoid a misleading action i´ll just leave my cheek ready to be kissed! in the very instant they "kiss" each other: muaa!(the noise heard when we kiss someone).
who kissed who? we might ask ourselves. nobody actually! it was all a farse!! the action consisted of two people "cheeking" each others cheek!! how sad!!
juan and martin work in the same place. they are highly remunarated bussiness men and are going to meet up to discuss the case of one of their subordinates(some one that works for them). a very delicate issue: the guy that worked for them had been going through a very rough time in his life and it was not his fault he encountered himself in that situation. he hadn´t been very efficient at work in the last two months, so, juan and Martin were going to evaluate and decide if the guy was going to remain a opart of the company. they were to decide if he was going to be fired or not!
Marting was waiting for Juan in the meeting place as he sees juan entering through the door.
juan´s mind while he walks towards martin to greet him: this is going to be avery hard decission to make!... oh, i´ll kiss his cheek, we are grown ups and it´s not that trascendental!
martin´s mid while he stands up to greet juan: it´s a bit warm in here. i have to buy an air conditioner.
in the very moment when they greet each other: muaa!(the same noise)
juan´s mind: shit!!! we kissed
martin´s mind: ohh fuck!! he kissed me...or... we kissed... did i kiss him? will he think i´m gay or smthg?
juan´s mind: will he think i´m gay? should i explain it wasn´t on purpose?... but.. maybe he kissed me! oh damn!!!! should i stay or should i go?
martin´s mind: we better finish this meeting soon!!... should i say i´m sorry?... what if he wanted to do that?!...
martin and juan saying at the same time: how awkward!
martin says: yes! well, we have to decide waht to do with "guy".(trying to move fast from the weird situation)
juan says: yep!! but... i mean... (-thinking- i think he should stay. his a really nice "guy" but i don´t want to spend all the afternoon discussing this and that about the "guy"... ´shit! will he think í was insinuating smthg to him??)...
martin says: yeah... he has not been performing well at all... it´s the companys policy.
juan says: i know! so... i´ll inform that to "guy"!...... greetings to your wife, i gotta go!
martin says: ok, problem solved then! (thank god he´s leaving)
you see?! idiots are averywhere and they will haunt you down!!
i just wanted to show how stupid things are sometimes. i feel sorry about the "guy", subjected to the stupidity of others.
i have asumed it! there are idiots everywhere and i am one too. have you asumed it?
i hope you are all doing great!! don´t stop writing.
(this is specially dedicated to Salome WHO MADE ME SMILE WITH HER E-MAIL)
so, hello!
in uruguay we ussually say hy by kissing each other on the cheek. that´s nice, yeah... but imagine two people meeting randomly, and each of them walks towards the other one to say hy. a guy and a girl, for instance.
guy´s mind: so, is she gonna kiss me on the cheek? or... should i kiss her cheek?___this dilema continues untill the very instant in where they actuallyget to greet(?) each other.
girl´s mind:ok, in order to avoid a misleading action i´ll just leave my cheek ready to be kissed! in the very instant they "kiss" each other: muaa!(the noise heard when we kiss someone).
who kissed who? we might ask ourselves. nobody actually! it was all a farse!! the action consisted of two people "cheeking" each others cheek!! how sad!!
juan and martin work in the same place. they are highly remunarated bussiness men and are going to meet up to discuss the case of one of their subordinates(some one that works for them). a very delicate issue: the guy that worked for them had been going through a very rough time in his life and it was not his fault he encountered himself in that situation. he hadn´t been very efficient at work in the last two months, so, juan and Martin were going to evaluate and decide if the guy was going to remain a opart of the company. they were to decide if he was going to be fired or not!
Marting was waiting for Juan in the meeting place as he sees juan entering through the door.
juan´s mind while he walks towards martin to greet him: this is going to be avery hard decission to make!... oh, i´ll kiss his cheek, we are grown ups and it´s not that trascendental!
martin´s mid while he stands up to greet juan: it´s a bit warm in here. i have to buy an air conditioner.
in the very moment when they greet each other: muaa!(the same noise)
juan´s mind: shit!!! we kissed
martin´s mind: ohh fuck!! he kissed me...or... we kissed... did i kiss him? will he think i´m gay or smthg?
juan´s mind: will he think i´m gay? should i explain it wasn´t on purpose?... but.. maybe he kissed me! oh damn!!!! should i stay or should i go?
martin´s mind: we better finish this meeting soon!!... should i say i´m sorry?... what if he wanted to do that?!...
martin and juan saying at the same time: how awkward!
martin says: yes! well, we have to decide waht to do with "guy".(trying to move fast from the weird situation)
juan says: yep!! but... i mean... (-thinking- i think he should stay. his a really nice "guy" but i don´t want to spend all the afternoon discussing this and that about the "guy"... ´shit! will he think í was insinuating smthg to him??)...
martin says: yeah... he has not been performing well at all... it´s the companys policy.
juan says: i know! so... i´ll inform that to "guy"!...... greetings to your wife, i gotta go!
martin says: ok, problem solved then! (thank god he´s leaving)
you see?! idiots are averywhere and they will haunt you down!!
i just wanted to show how stupid things are sometimes. i feel sorry about the "guy", subjected to the stupidity of others.
i have asumed it! there are idiots everywhere and i am one too. have you asumed it?
i hope you are all doing great!! don´t stop writing.
(this is specially dedicated to Salome WHO MADE ME SMILE WITH HER E-MAIL)