Everybody in da cave, yo yo!!!
Apologies for the short post, but right now, I am in the middle of the preparatory phases of a high priority mission, concerning which I need urgent advice from experts, yes, you, cave-members, gurus, and various other constructive elements of society!
So I want to take a couple "little somethings" to the US with me as I'm travelling tomorrow, just to show those brats what's life like in the Eastern European reality; however, I am not sure how much my ass could potentially be kicked in the case that, (heaven forbid!) I do a slight Andreas Bakkerud and get caught at customs carrying alcohol being under 21. Could Uncle Sam fucking deport me back to where I came from? Or do I just get a John Lawrenson-type warning, very scary?
Promise to write more extensively soon. Until then, here are two pictures of how we lived for a month with MF, sheep, and our fleas in da house fishfarming near college!
Yo yo caveman brother!
Option a) buy a vermouth of 14 % and sip your staff in it
Option b) Just pretend everything is normal and try to look a bit tired when you get to customs, they might think - poor young man, give him a hug
Consequences: Well, no fucking clue,I guess they might charge you some money for doing that, but there is always "it is for my cousin in US" story
Good luck, and write us extensively about z farm with the one and only
Glad to be of service!
In brief, google is our friend. Found the following quote:
"Alcoholic BeveragesOne liter (33.8 fl. oz.) of alcoholic beverages may be included in your exemption if:
* You are 21 years old.
* It is for your own use or as a gift.
* It does not violate the laws of the state in which you arrive.
Federal regulations allow you to bring back more than one liter of alcoholic beverage for personal use, but, as with extra tobacco, you will have to pay duty and Internal Revenue Service tax. "
the URL is
and is bloody (Not so American) official, so either you party at home in advance or you pull a stone cold smuggler face. At any rate, wear nice clothes, that will siginificantly reduce your time in security control. And don't even think about carrying liqiuds in your hand luggage, you can't even bring babymilk to the states without drinking it in front of securitymen. Also, the same URL reveals, it is illegal to import dog fur, absinthe and safe explosives.
Finally, my unconfirmed Danish source who has provided me with some of the above info, explains that he has smuggled alcohol into the states plenty of times..
Consequences...well the url doesn't specify, but you will be breaking federal law...Guess it depends on how anal the airport ppl are and how innocent you act, and of course the conditions of your student visa. Over and out
Yo just got an idea - put some horssssssssshit on the bottle and they won't go near it....
By the way doofus, the "little somethings" in question are an Unikum and a dangerously orange "Eperor's pear", given to me as a commemorative gift by Peti to never forget where and how my career began as a responsible global citizen.
that sounds unbelievably good! Update us, please, on your smuggling endeavours!
Yo Bozmeg did you manage to smuggle it? My smuggler's heart is with you and the blessings of the god of smuggling as well ...
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