- yeah okay! i guess it´s too warm to stay at home doing nothing!
that´s what i said to "el Peludo", my friend, so i started walking to the beach (about fifteen blocks from home). when i arrived to the "rambla" , the pedestrian street going along the beach, i saw my friends who were already drinking a beer and i joined in. the cigarretes, the beer, the chats, the gossips, the pranks, they were all going well untill one of my friedns suddenly realised that the stars had disappeared. the sky was all full of clouds. on the horizon the lightnings were striking through the clouds allowing to see their shape by contrasting with the light. it was really beautifull, shades of blues and greys, and we stayed stupefyied for a while admiring that beauty. every minute that passed the lightnings were striking closer and closer to us, but we stayed there. "surprigsingly" one stroked on a little island 500 metres from us and it was damn scary. having priored that a lightning could be harmfull we decided to cross the street and have abeer by the gas station. now that i am fresh and have thought about it, i would have prefered being anywhere else than next to a gas station on an electric storm night!! but in the moment i had other preocupations, like having to walk further than two blocks to buy an ever-inspiring cold beer. as we drunk and waited for the minutes to come after the other, some rain drops started to be noticed on the pavement.
ale- shall we abscond ;) ? peludo- oh come on!! it´s just a few drops. besides, what will we do? ít is still quite early!! ale- true,true!! let´s buy some cigs and another beer. peludo- oki So we went in and bought the beer and the cigs. before we even had the opportunity to set a foot outside the door of the ministore in the gas station, docens of people were rushing inside. the guy in the store went frenzy trying to get all the extremely wet individuals out of there . in the meantime i felt like a canned sardine with claustrophobia. to be continued...
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